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Ashley Johnson
Sep 5, 20245 min read
Sex, lies and...
One simple way to get back WAY more creative energy - super simple, incredibly effective.

Ashley Johnson
Jun 12, 20242 min read
Tap back into your inner calm + creativity with this one 3-letter word and how to use it correctly :)
One 3-letter word can't change it all. Can it? Of course it can. Truth is, we are chronically starved of: Inner peace Creativity The...

Ashley Johnson
May 9, 20241 min read
2 minutes to unleash your inner calm
Joy is one of the more elusive human experiences. We hold for a moment - the look of a lover the hand of a baby the smell of sweet...

Ashley Johnson
Mar 21, 20241 min read
These 2 words are holding you back - and what to say instead.
Hey, Let's get super gritty for a moment. You are whole. And holy. And loved. Completely as you are. You know this. Yet, in order to tap...

Ashley Johnson
Feb 11, 20241 min read
3 words to bring back the calm
Here is what I deeply desire for you to know: You are bold. You are beautiful. You CAN do what you're heart and body are calling you to...

Ashley Johnson
Jan 23, 20242 min read
3 second reset for calm and clarity
3 second reset for calm and clarity.

Ashley Johnson
Dec 8, 20232 min read
Take back control with this ONE tiny word
You can probably stop reading now - the tool I'm about to give you is so simple you won’t believe it can work. And you’ll probably stop...

Ashley Johnson
Nov 22, 20233 min read
Freedom from difficult people. This tool will shock you.
I was shocked when I first learned this one. There was no way it was going to work. It was going to cause more strife, not less. Then I...

Ashley Johnson
Nov 3, 20233 min read
From overwhelm to calm in seconds: 4 words for instant relief
Here's the deal, I'm experiencing massive overload right now. I know you can relate. Even if your brain doesn't look quite like this (but...

Ashley Johnson
Oct 25, 20232 min read
20 super simple ways to increase calm
You have the power to increase your calm today. You don't have to make huge, sweeping changes. Just commit to doing one of these super...

Ashley Johnson
Oct 25, 20232 min read
Simple Beginner Meditation.
Meditation has incredible benefits. Yet there are so many forms. And so many teachers. Picking one can be overwhelming. Just start with...

Ashley Johnson
Oct 20, 20231 min read
Make massive change: focus on this.
There is something you want to change. It doesn't need to be objectively massive to feel massive. Maybe it's Cleaning out the basement...

Ashley Johnson
Aug 23, 20232 min read
Recharge and reconnect with this super simple trick.
Recharge and reconnect with this super simple trick.

Ashley Johnson
Aug 2, 20232 min read
3 simple steps to beat the shame spiral
When you're about to go into a shame spiral, do these 3 super simple things to kick it's a**. You know what I'm talking about - That...

Ashley Johnson
Jun 22, 202313 min read
Burned Out? There’s one simple thing you can do for more energy, right now.
You've got way more energy and power inside you than you're accessing at the moment. And you know it. You're burned out, on edge, and...

Ashley Johnson
Jun 21, 20234 min read
Two seconds to change your life. I swear by this.
The crowd was bigger than I had ever seen it. Hundreds of people snaking their way through the human labyrinth created by thick, nylon...

Ashley Johnson
Jun 14, 20234 min read
Better relationships at work and home? Do this. Now.
Remember that time - you must have been 5 or 6 years old. You tied that tattered and loved living room blanket around your neck. Okay,...

Ashley Johnson
Jun 9, 20232 min read
How to keep moving...even when you feel stuck.
I remember it like it was yesterday. Not so much a memory in my head (although, yes, I do have an image of it) But a memory in my body....

Ashley Johnson
Jun 1, 20232 min read
How To STOP feeling drained: one simple tool to start TODAY.
I'm on a mission to help you find more peace in your day to day. Simple simple, time-tested spiritual tools you can use right now. You...
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