Ultimate parent's guide to talking about sex
7 essential books
for younger kids
Boost your confidence with this handpicked selection of must-have resources for your younger kiddos. Age-appropriate, inclusive books make it SO much easier on you.
1. What Makes a Baby
“What Makes a Baby is extraordinary! Cory is a Dr. Spock for the 21st century.”—Susie Bright
“A Truly Inclusive Way to Answer the Question 'Where Do Babies Come From?': The new book What Makes a Baby offers an origin story for all children, no matter what their families look like." —The Atlantic
"This is a solid, occasionally quirky book on an important topic."—School Library Journal

"In their previous landmark volumes . . . Harris and Emberley established themselves as the purveyors of reader-friendly, straightforward information on human sexuality for readers as young as seven. Here they successfully tackle the big questions . . . for even younger kids." — The Horn Book (starred review)
*I recommend resources I am familiar with. I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.