Meditation Made Easy
Wake up refreshed, ease into your morning, relax in relationships and experience WAY more ease during your day.
My signature online course
is available
No launches.
No price increasing soon.
No "get on the waitlist".
Those are all great sales techniques.
This isn't designed for that.
This is designed
to meet you exactly where you are:
Longing for more
Wondering how long you can "keep this up" (whether that's your work, your unsustainable marriage, or staying sober)
Feeling like there's an easier way - yet you have no desire to go back to your old, numbed out life
Because when you're ready to:
Feel the freedom that comes from owning your own path
Reclaim your authentic self - the one stirring inside of you
Rekindle the spark of joy you feel so disconnected from
There isn't time to wait.
Not for "doors to open".
Not for an introductory offer that expires soon.
Not for anything.
Because when you need to:
decrease stress
increase resilience
calm your mind
relax body
In a super accessible tool that once you learn, NO ONE can take away from you. Ever. ​
There just isn't time for those sales techniques.
Despite what the best marketers say, this course is always open.
Because when you were brave enough to decide that the time IS the right time to
take back control of your life
take charge of your own mind
turn away from the noise around you
turn inward to the power you know is inside you
I'm not gonna close the door on that.
Instead, go ahead
​Because your life is too precious to spend anytime waiting on my marketing tactics or your procrastination!)
​What do I cover?
Introduction to a powerful yet little-known method of meditation called Passage Meditation
Simple step-by-step instructions
Practical tips
Quick start guide - you'll be meditating in 3 days
What do I include?
27 short clips to make learning easy
PDF handouts to ensure success
Quick start guide - you'll be meditating in 3 days
Lots of love sent your way - you got this
Do this today. I removed the barrier of those "closed door tactics". Give you AND me the gift of a calm mind, relaxed body and a tool that can NEVER be taken away from you.